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Diamond & Silk Chit Chat Live on Lindell TV Shines the Light on Deadly Hospital Protocols for COVID-19 Patients

There was a time when hospitals were the place where you could go to get better. In the wake of a politicized COVID-19 pandemic, it has all changed. Watch Diamond & Silk as they interview Dante who has become the latest victim of a loved one who has lost his mother because of hospital protocols that are an evil representation of the politicization of COVID-19! No American should have to suffer this fate, a fate born from an evil that we must all resist and stand against. 

The Joe Biden regime is intent on taking us all out. What are you going to do? Are you going to comply or will you wake up and stand for your liberty? Our medical facilities, our intelligence agencies, and the very agencies we rely on for accurate information have all been compromised. Now is the time to stand up and use common sense to protect your very lives! 

Don’t let your loved one be the next victim of a Dr. Fauci protocol. Remdesivir and the hospital protocol for ventilators for COVID-19 patients is an evil death sentence! 

Forget the nonsense you hear from the mainstream media and go to FrankSpeech.Com right away and get the facts! Your very life and liberty depends upon your immediate action.

Diamond & Silk loves this country and we love you. It’s imperative that all of you join the conversation and get involved in fighting for your freedoms and liberties now! Mike Lindell and Lindell TV are fighting for America and we want all of you to join us as we stand against the pervasive evil that now threatens life as we know it. Send your emails to diamondandsilk@gmail.com to make your voices heard.

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No one on the left or right is going to do the work for you. We must all apply action to our faith! Stop investing your time and money into the left-wing media machine and the RINOS who support them. Support Mike Lindell and Lindell TV by receiving amazing discounts on his quality products! Visit https://MyPillow.com/TrumpWon and use the TrumpWon code to save up to 66% so that Diamond & Silk can continue to bring you a common sense approach to how we all can defeat the evil we all face!

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