Mayorkas Impeachment Vote Approved by GOP House Homeland Security Committee

Mayorkas Impeachment Vote Approved by House Homeland Security Committee

Will we see a Mayorkas Impeachment soon or just more “kicking the can down the road” by the GOP-led House Homeland Security Committee? One thing is for sure, “Mayorkis continues to willfully refuse to comply with laws enacted by Congress and has lost all public trust.

According to a Just the News report, “As a result, thousands of Americans have lost their lives and our nation is experiencing a historic national security, public safety, and humanitarian catastrophe. Make no mistake, Secretary Mayorkas’ lawlessness is exactly what the Framers of our Constitution designed impeachment to remedy. The historical record makes it clear—Congress holds impeachment power to hold accountable public officials who refuse to do their duty, and to deal with grave harms to our political order."


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