Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium $5 Million Challenge: No Takers!

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Revealing results from cyber data and packet captures from the November 2020 election, Mike Lindell offered a $5 million prize to any attendee who can prove that the cyber data is not valid. Those in attendance included politicians, cyber experts, and the media. In a plea to help save our country, Mike Lindell put it all on the line!

However, there were no takers. Why? Because, as we all know, the facts are indisputable! The 2020 elections were a political coup, an illegal and unconstitutional seizure of power by greedy corrupt Democrats! 

Lindell’s Cyber Symposium, which will be in constant rotation of FrankSpeech.com, was more than just a challenge for those who continue to turn a blind eye to the evident fraud of the 2020 elections; it was also a loud call for Americans to stand up and make their voices heard in defense of the integrity of our election system.

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