Project Veritas Reveals Undercover Video of Disadvantaged Populations Being Funded With Gift Cards for Excessively Taking Vaccines

Project Veritas continues to bring us one shocking revelation after the next, but this one should come as no surprise with current stories of leaked emails coming out of the CDC, a collaboration of world renowned doctors exposing the dangers of the vaccines, and Dr. Joseph Mercola’s analysis release of the long-term dangers of experimental mRNA shots. We’ve also seen reports of COVID vaccine trials resulting in the death and paralyzing of its participants

At this point, it can only be alleged that the push for covid vaccination is part of some larger nefarious plan to intentionally end the lives of a large segment of the world’s population. In part one of its series on New York City-contracted medical provider, DocGo/Ambulanz, Project Veritas reveals in its undercover audio and video recordingsemployees of a New York state-contracted healthcare provider discussing their possibly negligent practices in administering the COVID-19 vaccine to patients including children.” 

The report also included shocking details of “recorded video showing employees of New York contracted with medical provider, DocGoAmbulnz, discussing how people are often successful overcoming safeguards that exist to prevent people from getting excessive COVID-19 vaccinations in exchange for the incentive of receiving a $100 gift card: People are “flipping the names and the date-of-birth.”

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