SHOCKING: Project Veritas Hidden Camera Reveals FDA Executive Officer Discussing Financial Incentives Future COVID Policy

In what amounts to a shocking revelation, Project Veritas recently released Part 1 of 2 of a hidden camera episode with FDA Executive Officer, Christopher Cole talking about future COVID policy and financial incentives for drug companies promoting additional vaccinations. Cole can be heard in the video saying “You’ll have to get an annual shot [COVID vaccine]. I mean, it hasn’t been formally announced yet ‘cause they don’t want to, like, rile everyone up,” also adding “It’ll be a recurring fountain of revenue. It might not be that much initially, but it’ll be recurring -- if they can -- if they can get every person required at an annual vaccine, that is a recurring return of money going into their company.”

The FDA quickly released an Official Statement after Cole inadvertently revealed his agency will eventually announce that annual COVID-19 vaccinations will become policy, adding "The person purportedly in the video does not work on vaccine matters and does not represent the views of the FDA." But we all know “the gig is up,” as multiple states around the country are ending their COVID mandates and moving away from Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) protocols. 

Stay tuned for Project Veritas’ second part of this startling revelation which will include “soundbites from Cole about the financial incentives pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer have to get the vaccine approved for annual usage.” As the Project Veritas report noted: “the most explosive part of the footage is the moment where Cole brazenly talks about the impact that an Emergency Use Authorization has on overcoming the regulatory concerns of mandating vaccines on children.” Please support Project Veritas’ gallant efforts to keep us informed about the evil happening behind the scenes by contributing to their amazing investigative journalism, as the mainstream media continues to stand as the enemy of the truth! You can donate to support the Project Veritas mission HERE.

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