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Judge In Rittenhouse Case Warns About the Filming of Jury Members

According to a PJ Media report, “Police caught an unidentified person taking video of the jury in the Kyle Rittenhouse case just days after a friend of George Floyd threatened to do just that on social media.” The Journal Times reported that a deputy of the court made the person who recorded the jury delete that video. 

However, according to a Conservative Brief report, Judge Bruce Schroeder told the jury : “You’re aware, of course, of the incident at the bus pick-up this morning, and I’ve been assured that officers had the video which had been taken, has been deleted.” Judge Schroeder noted that “new procedures are being instituted so that something like that--something like that should not reoccur. I’m frankly surprised that it did,” according to the report.

This unlawful recording of a jury member in the Rittenhouse case follows a series of recent threats by Black Lives Matter (BLM), a far left radical group who have been described as domestic terrorists. Strangely, BLM and members of ANTIFA were closely monitored by Kenosha PD and the FBI as they made their way to the riot where Kyle Rittenhouse had to use deadly force inorder to defend himself in what reports are describing as “as a clear case of self-defense.”  

We should all remember that the same Democrats who are now sounding off “dog-whistles” by preparing for riots as a result of the Rittenhouse case, are the same ones who turned a blind eye to the local law officials of Kenosha who asked for more assistance to combat the emerging violence of the 2020 riots which resulted in more than $50 million in damages

Is this a demonstration of the same old intimidation tactics that the Democrats are renowned for?

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