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Chris Christie Tells Room Full of Top GOP Donors It’s Time to Move Past Donald Trump

In typical RHINO fashion, Chris Christie told a room full of top GOP RHINO donors, while giving a speech for the Republican Jewish Coalition in Las Vegas,  that  it was “time for the Republicans to move past Donald Trump,” according to a News Week report. No doubt, his remarks were flavored with a hint of his reservations to run for the White House on a future date. However, Christie failed to realize that until we fix 2020 first we are still in the position for Democrats to steal every future election with no accountability.

In his Nov. 8 Statement, President Donald Trump hit back a Christie with the reply: “Chris Christie, who just made a speech at the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) in Las Vegas, was just absolutely massacred by his statements that Republicans have to move on from the past, meaning the 2020 Election Fraud," Trump said. He continued, "Everybody remembers that Chris left New Jersey with a less than 9% approval rating – a record low, and they didn't want to hear this from him!"

Like many of the other RHINOs who distanced themselves from evidence of fraud and corruption in the 2020 elections, Christie seems to be positioning himself as a GOP groupie intent on turning a blind eye to the issues of election integrity which are still prevalent.

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