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Break Down of the President Trump Cedar Point Iowa Speech

The fine folks of Cedar Rapids Iowa received a special treat when President Donald Trump delivered a very encouraging and hope filled speech on Wednesday night.  The President opened up his speech after a thunderous applause with the comment “…it’s always terrific to be able to leave that Washington swamp and spend time with the truly hard-working people, we call them American Patriots.”

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For but a brief few seconds, protesters tried to interrupt President Trump’s speech.  In true form, President Trump supporters drowned out the protesters’ cries with chants of “USA! USA!”  The protesters were booed as they were ushered out of the arena.  President Trump, with his winning smile, laughed off the whimpering cries of the protestors and said “Never fails”, adding “And we love our police” as the infiltrators were lead out.

A warm and much needed acknowledgement was given to the police officers who courageously rushed to the rescue of fellow Republicans caught in the cross-fire of the shooter at the congressional baseball practice site.  So refreshing to see President Trump delivering his gratitude for the officers and his condolence for Congressman Scalise from the heart, instead of from a written heartless script.

President Donald Trump challenged “If we set aside the cynics and the critics, we have a chance, and it’s a great chance, it lies before us, to do extraordinary things for our country in the years ahead.”  He added, “History is written by the dreamers, not the doubters.”

President Trump went on to high light some of the amazing progress that we have already made since he entered the White House and the next steps that are on the agenda to “Make America Great Again.”  This speech is truly a must see!  We have a President that honestly and effectively works toward actually doing what he campaigned that he would do!!

While President Trump is taking the initiative to put America first in all his dealings, it’s shameful that the intelligence community within our own political system is still hell-bent on undermining his agendas--all the while, North Korea is amassing the know-how to become a credible threat to our country.  Now more than ever, we should all commit ourselves to being among the group that President Trump spoke of in his Iowa speech, those who are “bound together by common values, you love our country, you obey our laws, you honor our traditions, you care for your families and you love your communities.”

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President Trump went on to say “With that conviction in our hearts we showed up on Election Day and voted to put America First!”  So let us not become weary by the fake news and false narratives, being perpetrated by liberal media and Washington Swamp creatures, as we support President Trump in Making America Great Again.

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